
Conversations with
a human voice


Orange asked me to join their skunkworks startup project “Libon” an over-the-top (OTT) communications app providing calls, messaging, personalised voicemail.

As brand guardian I managed and led a multi-cultural design team, defining process and culture.

Engaging closely with CEO, senior stakeholders, product owners and developer teams I delivered design across iOS, Android and HTML5 products employing research methodologies through to delivery.

I also worked closely with the Orange marketing team, driving brand, creating a consumer-facing website, social media and producing creative for other promotional channels.


Design leadership
UX / UI design
Usability testing


Lelde Berzina
Sophie Marie
Jiaqi Shan
Irma Arianti
Stéphane Blondel
Vivien Collignon


We defined the core screens for the app, focusing on navigation, recent communication, contacts, conversations and greetings. A click-through prototype was created to test the journey.

Defining a

visual language

The next step was to define the visual language.
This included colour, typography and a large amount of components.

Over 100 screens

Ensuring visual consistency from the top level to the deepest menu item. 

Scalable real estate

With plans to release on desktop and tablet, there was careful consideration of the interplay of various panels and menus on more generous real estate.

Delightful interactions

To partner the visual style, I defined an interaction language that connected elements when transitioning between screens.


Working with the marketing department I created a simple site that conveyed the benefits of the product, introduced trust signals and linked to articles where the product had been featured.


Over 2,000,000 users

Grew MAU’s 10x over 24 months


MAUs (Monthly Active Users)


Growth in MAU's since launch

